FIGR received notice on Friday, November 22, that the Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA) has published the Final Environmental Impact Statement (Final EIS) for the Koi Nation’s proposed casino on Southern Pomo lands adjacent to Windsor, California.

Please understand this Final EIS does not constitute final approval for the land to be taken into trust for gaming by the Koi Nation. We have filed a lawsuit against the BIA because it has not met its legal obligation to meaningfully consult with FIGR.

Tribal Citizens are encouraged to write the BIA to let them know how we feel about BIA taking our Southern Pomo land and giving it to the Southeastern Pomo Koi Nation and why it is important that the BIA come to Sonoma County to meet with us. The BIA needs to see and understand how important this land in preserving our culture and history, as we have done since time immemorial.

Please submit your comments to the BIA by mail or email by December 23, 2024, to:

Chad Broussard, Environmental Protection Specialist
Bureau of Indian Affairs, Pacific Regional Office
2800 Cottage Way, Room W– 2820
Sacramento, California 95825

Information is also available online at

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